I do everything I can to interest my kid in literature. This week I told them it was the Ides of March and when they asked what that meant I gave them a brief run-down of Julius Ceasar and tried to explain the phrase, “Et tu, Brute?” and what it means and how somebody might use it. [Read More]
Episode 85 – A Man’s World
I had an incident in class this week which bothered me, but ultimately was kind of a non-event.
We were talking about militarism and sports, and some of my students were NOT happy. They did not like the implication that their precious sports could in any way be tainted. To be clear, I never made that claim. I made the observation that sports celebrated the military, then I asked whether that was propaganda, persuasion, or good marketing and let the class take the wheel. [Read More]
Episode 84 – Legends and Ukraine
I don’t know how you can watch the news and not get emotional. I have cried so many times hearing and seeing the news coming out of Ukraine. What is happening there is both heart-breaking and terrifying.
And the scale is immense. One of the world’s major powers has attacked one of Europe’s largest countries and the ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD is getting involved in some way. I mean, the Swiss have taken a side. Not even Word War II could get them to do that. [Read More]
Episode 83 – The Banality of 2022
In January of 2020 there were rumblings of change in the world. We were starting to hear about this “coronavirus” thing, and it was a bit unsettling. By February and March our worlds were turned upside down. Now, here it is two years later and the best thing we can do is pretend things are getting back to normal while scientists desperately try to keep up with a virus that eludes us at every step. We are taking every opportunity we can to claim, “soon it will be endemic!” But nobody really knows how far or near that stage is from us. And new variants are on the horizon and the arguments about masks and vaccines are reaching a boiling over point that is disrupting the economy – we aren’t sure how long we can go on like this. [Read More]
Episode 82 – The Harvard Letter
If you work in academia you may have heard rumblings in the last few weeks about “the Harvard letter.” It was a shocking scandal that had people all over opining and tweeting and just generally being appalled. If you don’t work in academia, you might not have heard of it. But it was not a good moment for us. Some of the most influential people in their fields made what many saw as some serious mis-steps, and in the process laid bare some of the worst parts of academic culture. We like to think of the ivory tower as a place where we are striving for ideals like justice, equality, and progress, but weeks like the last two remind us that we are just as mired in the muck as anybody else. [Read More]