This week in class we were talking about what the Supreme Court actually does. And, not surprisingly, there were plenty of people who did not really understand it. And that’s okay. I think most Americans don’t. But we were talking about how the SCOTUS reviews laws and decides whether they are Constitutional or not and one student raised her hand and said, “What about ‘The Purge’ law?” [Read More]
Episode 105 – American Exceptionalism
I want to tell you a little story:
There were these people who were all living together, bound together by their religion. But they were eventually expelled from where they lived because of their religious beliefs. [Read More]
Episode 104 – The Point
Monday was my first day back at school and I can’t begin to tell you how miserable it was. [Read More]
Episode 103 – Putting Rhetoric in its Place
Hello, and welcome to this special episode of Kairoticast. Today we are happy to be taking part in The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival 2022.
The theme of The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival is “Rhetoric: Spaces and Place in and Beyond the Academy.” The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival takes place August 22-25. This is the 3rd Annual Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival, and we hope to grow the list of participants and listenership going forward. We hope The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival continues to be an annual event. The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival 2022 hashtags are: #tbrpodcastcarnival2022 and #placesspacesinbeyond. The keynote speaker for The Big Rhetorical Podcast Carnival is Dr. Madison Jones, Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric/Natural Resources Science and Founder of the DWELL Lab at the University of Rhode Island. That episode will be released August 25th. [Read More]
Episode 102 – Prayer, Football, and Equal Protection
After our last episode a listener reached out to me and said, hey, I liked your episode on Christian Nationalism and church/state issues, but could you talk about things a bit more current?
So, I decided to continue the conversation about religion and the state with a look at one of the most recent cases to come out of the Supreme Court. It made a lot of headlines because it was one of two major church/state cases of the last year. Both cases ultimately eroded the separation between church and state, but as somebody who grew up with prayers at high school football games, this one struck a chord with me. [Read More]